Camping Buddies
February 7-8, 2020
Settling the estate of an old friend who passed away has kept us very busy for the last two months, with little time for travel or our favorite outdoor activities.
To the rescue came friends Peggy and Charlie, who proposed a one-night campout on public land not far from Tucson.

It's not often you make friends with people who not only share your interests, but even have the same style pop-up camper!
It was a classic clear and crisp night under a million stars, with a fragrant desert campfire to keep us warm enough to stay up past "backpackers' midnight".

Next morning we were off to visit a Hohokam petroglyph site that dates from 1000-1100 AD. We last visited
this area 10 years ago.

A few of the glyphs.

A cactus wren hovered nearby.

Glyphs are scattered across a cluster of seven small volcanic hills.

What's the story here, we wondered? Two people inside what might be a kiva, and others streaming in? Was this an early wedding photo?

A light-colored bird atop a saguaro turned out to be an American Kestrel!

Thanks Peggy, Charlie and Mango for a wonderful getaway!