Return to Bassett Peak
April 1, 2007
We enjoyed our first hike to Bassett Peak so much that we thought we'd give it another try when it's wasn't thigh-deep in snow!

A healthy spring runoff made for some nice pools in Ash Creek.

We had a party of nine from Willcox and Tucson, which is probably more traffic than this trail has seen in many months.

Jackie, Revonda and Colleen.

Buzzed by two B22 ospreys!

At +7000 feet, Dennis had no problem chatting with Jim and Pete in Tucson on the handi talkie.

There un unparalleled views from the ridge of the Penalenos, Chiricahuas, Dos Cabezas and the back side of the Rincons.

Left to right: Dennis, Revonda, Jake, Colleen, Jackie, Jim and Jodi. Thanks to Jim and Jackie for organizing another great hike!