Marcel and Christiane, old friends from Montreal, visited us the last two weeks of March, and
together we embarked on a whirlwind tour of southern Arizona, including a camping and hiking
trip to Chiricahua National Monument.
But as always, there was a mandatory stop for coffee at the Mother Lode
in WillcoxReflections in a shop window on Railroad Avenue.Marcel and Christiane at Faraway Ranch.Christiane enjoys a relaxing bath at Faraway Ranch.Marcel experiences an Arizona dust devil.Raucous Mexican Jays are among many the attractions at Bonita Canyon Campground.
We were hoping to see some Montezuma Quail, and here they are right in the campground!
Dennis and Christiane on Heart of Rocks loop.Hammond's FlycatcherFrom Heart of Rocks looking west across Willcox Playa.Nap time.Marcel, Dennis and Christiane, with Cochise Head in the background.Thor's Hammer and the snow-capped peaks of Chiricahua Crest.Christiane and me.Setting up for a selfie at the Portal Peak Cafe.Photo by MarcelAt the Portal PO. Photo by MarcelAcorn WoodpeckerWestern Screech Owl
A dreamy stroll along the north fork of Cave Creek.
Native vegetation.Native vegetating. Photo by MarcelCelebrating a successful trip with dinner at the Big Tex BBQ in an old dining car in Willcox.