Windmill Canyon
March 10, 2023
And just like that, southern New Mexico leapt from Winter to Summer!
After seeing a friend's photos of fields of poppies, we headed for the Florida Mountains.
We last visited this area eight years ago, and it was pouring rain. Very different conditions today, with the high temperature near 80°!
The wildflowers did not disappoint. It was very well poppyulated!
Dennis going for a few close-ups.
Windmill Canyon follows a rocky wash high into the rugged volcanic peaks of the Florida Mountains.
Do you see the chick?
Miguel and Dennis on an old mining road.
The trail eventually reaches a fork where you can continue left to Florida Peak, or right to unnamed cluster of hoodoos. Attracted by a trickle of water, we turned right and clambered up a very steep, boulder-strewn canyon.
While Miguel continued up the ridge, Dennis and I relaxed in the shade on some cool stone "chairs".

Enjoying the view from 6200 feet. Scroll for a panorama.