Skates Canyon
April 1, 2023
After an extraordinarily cold and snowy Winter, Spring has finally sprung. On a clear and sunny Saturday, we set out to explore Skates Canyon in the Gila Wilderness.
The drive up Route 15 is always a delight, but especially so when the distant Mogollon Mountains are still deep in snow!
An old corral near the mouth of the canyon.
A side canyon did not look promising, but quickly narrowed and soared skyward.
It continued twisting and turning for nearly a half mile. Some fancy footwork was required to keep our boots dry.
A small waterfall required some serious scrambling, but it was totally worth it.
A short distance upstream, the canyon dead-ended at a magnificent waterfall.
One photo is not enough!
You have to hear it echoing through the canyon!
I haven't been able to ID this wildflower.
It and the Fendler's Pennycress aka Candytuft are all we've seen so far this year.
We continue to be dazzled by the endless opportunities to observe natural beauty such as this in the Gila Wilderness. And best of all, NO CROWDS!