Mogollon Box

September 15, 2024

For old retired folks, we seem to be awfully busy! We finally had some time off today, and we thought we'd try to see if we could follow the trail from Turkey Creek to Mogollon Box along the Gila River. But the road was in terrible condition, and there were dark clouds moving in from the north. We backtracked to the Gila Valley Deli & Bakery for an early lunch.

Dennis feeding a tortoiseshell cat

This long-legged tortie always joins us for lunch. She started life as a feral, but turned into a total cuddle bunny once she learned how to mooch food from the deli!

hiking poles leaning against a giant Arizona sycamore

The storm blew by, and after lunch we headed for Mogollon Box, parking in the shade of a grove of enormous Arizona sycamores.

Dennis hiking an old road along the Gila River

We turned in circles for an hour or so, but eventually made our way to the old road that leads to the gauging station about two miles upstream.

Colorful tree in a field

The old road crosses a long and lovely meadow. Are we seeing a bit of fall color already?

gauging station on the Gila River

Finally arrived at the gauging station, beautifully situated just below a pinch point where the Gila tumbles down out of the Mogollon Mountains.

Looking back toward the gauging station Dennis hiking downstream in the Gila River

After a quick dip, we made our way back by walking IN the river, which was terribly scenic, and much cooler than the road!

view downstream of Canyon Hill towering above the river

Looking downstream at Canyon Hill (7355'). Another fine adventure very close to home!