30 Miles on the Middle Fork Gila River

May 23-26, 2024

Day Three: Down the Middle Fork

two hikers by rapids at the base of a cliff

We got on the trail about 9:30 and reached the confluence around noon. I was sore and shuffling along like an old woman (that I am), wondering if I should have bailed at Little Bear Canyon.

a bend in the river

We took a break to eat, stretch and pop a couple of Tylenols, and afterwards I felt much better. We resumed our downstream trek, marveling at how the landscape continued to change.

Ponderosa pines tower above the canyon

South of the confluence, the canyon is broader and the walls recede. Dark and tortured rhyolite gives way to smooth and bubbly volcanic tuff.

deciduous forest lining a broader canyon

Trees are shorter and scarcer as the big pines give way to willows, juniper and piñon interspersed with Fremont cottonwoods and Arizona sycamores.

cliff dwelling

The cliffs were riddled with what appeared to be cliff dwellings. Were they really that numerous?

cliff dwelling close-up

Zooming in often revealed broken down walls and blackened ceilings.

campsite in juniper forest

There were very few campsites in this section. We had planned to hike at least six miles, but logged 8.5 before we finally found the perfect spot, in a grove of junipers at a bend in the river.

mermaid on the rocks

Bath night!

Dennis taking a dip

Yahoo! Daily Mileage: 8.5

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