30 Miles on the Middle Fork Gila River
May 23-26, 2024
Day Four: We Made It!

Close-up of an apparent cliff dwelling directly across from our campsite. Note the eroded low wall at the front of the opening.

The upside of that challenging third day was that it was only another two or so miles to our destination. First crossing of the day.

On the trail, with another large cliff dwelling in the distance.

Near the hot springs below the old visitor center, we finally began encountering the holiday crowds we had been expecting. We kept hiking, vowing to return on a week day.

The last crossing, and I felt a twinge of sadness that our adventure was coming to a close.

Up the hill and we were done, with 30 miles behind us (32 for Ken). We counted 34 cars in the parking lot at TJ Corral. Daily Mileage: 2.0

Post-hike lunch at Doc Campbell's: homemade chocolate, coffee and coconut ice cream!