Black Peak
August, 2024
Dennis and I joined in a work day with the Continental Divide Trail Coalition near Signal Peak. Delighted to discover an abundance of great hiking nearby, we returned the following week with the Gila Hikers.

Our target was a section of the CDT from the trailhead on Signal Peak Road to the summit of Black Peak. Our work crew left to right: Dave, Corey, Tom, Kyle, Tony and Dennis.

To thank us for our work, Corey Torivio, New Mexico Regional Representative, cooked burgers and dogs for us, and then sent us on our way with a beautiful Hopi prayer.

Dennis and I decided to stay the night, and spent a lovely evening hiking local trails and relaxing in camp.

On our return trip after a big rainstorm, a blanket of fog along the Gila River was visible from Signal Peak Road.

Looking down on the high desert from a recovering Ponderosa pine forest. Black Peak is on the right.

Burn scar from the 2013 Silver Fire showing off lots of new greenery.

Before CDT trail signs were made of metal.

Nice light and dark.

The summit of Black Peak is entirely covered in locust trees, a tumble-down building and some long-neglected electronics, including an ailing repeater.

Dennis thought he saw a fix, so up he went! Because ... Dennis.

Millions (literally) of Asian Lady Beetles at the summit.

While the summit may be underwhelming, the approach to Black Peak is lovely.

On the way back, the sky opened up and treated us to 2+ miles of heavy rain, hail and lightning. One strike was less than 500' away. Ready to go back again next week?