Dennis and Marion Get Hitched

Tohono Chul Park, 8:00 a.m., August 26, 2006

Walter, Florence and the Two Anns

It was a Monsoon Wedding after all...

Everyone was there! The Sheriff of Tucson, the Kilty Party,

Jamie and Arul, and Marryin' Tom the Minister,

and the Leading Lady!

Dennis, Tom, Marion, Deborah, Kit, Kathy, Ann H., Walter, Florence

Ann C., Kit, Ann H., Walter, Florence, Marion, Dennis

"A Pound of Salt" for Dennis and Marion on Their Wedding Day

Kathy recalls the night Dennis and Marion met. She should know, she was there -- and she still doesn't believe that's his real hair!

The Infamous Seussian Wedding Vows

"I'll indulge both flats and spats, and be a father to her cats."

"You may now cuff the bride."

This wedding BLOWS ...

Tres Amigos: Walter, Arul, Dennis

Brunch on the patio at the Tea Room

Kathy & Marion

An afternoon hike in Ventana Canyon: Jamie, Arul, Kathy, Marion & Dennis

Jamie pays homage the water gods, ensuring another season of abundant rainfall

All dressed up and ready to party, thanks to Deborah, Barb, Diana and Susanna

Barb and Marion wail while Lynn bangs on a drum
This wedding was made wonderful by our dear friends and family members:
- Cinematographer:Arul
- Photographers:David, Walter & Jamie
- Leading Lady:Kathy
- Set Decorators:Deborah, Barb, Diana, Susanna
- Soundtrack:Mzekala Balkan Women's Chorus
- Screenplay:Ann H., Kathy
- Entertainment:Edward Abbey and ZZ Top (aka Kit and Marryin' Tom)